Ieva Jansaviciute


I'm a BACP, UKCP and FPC registered psychodynamic counsellor and psychotherapist working with adult age clients individually in Islington, London. I also work online with individuals who live outside of London or prefer to meet remotely. I offer brief and open-ended psychotherapy and counselling, as well as Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT).

My mission is to help people live more authentic and fulfilling lives. Through my work, I have been honoured to witness the remarkable positive impact that therapy can have on one's life, and I hope that it can help you too.


About therapy

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

In my work, I apply psychodynamic approach. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is based on the idea that some of our thoughts and feelings may be out of our awareness, which in turn explains why we may not always rationally know or explain why we feel or act in a certain way, and maybe do so repeatedly.

Psychodynamic therapy is an exploratory journey that helps to gain insight into these unconscious processes and how they may be contributing to how we may currently feel, behave and relate to others. It helps to understand self better, deeply, by making sense of psychological difficulties, our thoughts, feelings, behaviours, any repeating relationship patterns, as well as, for example, reasons for why we may find ourselves in situations that make us feel unhappy. Such understanding of our situation on a deeper level helps to get to know our true self, making us psychologically stronger and more in control of our emotional world and our lives. With more awareness, more space becomes available for reflection, re-assessment, and consideration of other perspectives and choices available, and changes that may be possible. Due to the depth of such therapeutic work, psychodynamic psychotherapy has been shown to help achieve therapeutic changes that are character changing and long-lasting.

About Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy helps with emotional, psychological and mental health difficulties. It involves having a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space where it is only you and the professional, and where you can talk about anything that's on your mind, anything that might be worrying you, anything that feels important. As a trained professional, psychotherapist will use techniques specific to their approach to help you address any emotional struggles that you may be experiencing and help you find more balance, both internally and externally.

There are different approaches to psychotherapy and different approaches use different session structures and techniques. Some approaches may be more helpful (and so more recommended) than others for certain types of difficulties. Certain modalities may also be more helpful / recommended depending on what you are looking for. This is what the initial consultation allows us to assess and discuss. For a safe, ethical and professional service, it is recommended to look for a therapist who is a member of a professional body (Professional Standards Authority accredited), e.g. British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP); United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP); British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC); Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC); British Psychological Society (BPS), etc.

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate"

C. Jung

Initial Consultation

An initial (one-off) session to assess your situation and what would be of best help to you at this time.


Open-ended Therapy

Therapy that is delivered on an open-ended basis, with 50-minute sessions taking place once per week, always at the same time and day each week for consistency. Longer-term work makes it possible to attend to various aspects of personality and life circumstances that may have contributed to the current difficulties, therefore such work is deeper, character-changing, leading to long-lasting changes. Sessions are available in person and online.


Brief Therapy

Brief psychodynamic therapy delivered over 12 sessions. Due to limited time, a goal is mutually set at the beginning to work on a specific issue. Sessions last 50 minutes and take place once a week, always at the same time and day each week. Sessions are available in person and online.


I am also a registered therapist with insurance companies Axa Health and Aviva, and so a course of therapy may be available through them

Difficulties that I work with:

What's next?

Whether you have made up your mind to start therapy or would like to find out more, the next step would be to meet for an initial consultation. During this meeting, we will look at your reasons for seeking therapy and what you would like to achieve from it. I will ask some questions to get a better understanding of your situation and whether I will be of best help to you.

It is important to have a therapist that you feel comfortable with, so the initial meeting will also be a chance for you to meet me and see if you would like to continue working with me. I understand that beginning therapy, especially for the first time, can feel daunting as there might be a lot of unknowns. The initial meeting will give you an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have and find out more about the process.

Resources & Useful Info